10/11/24 "Season has begun and it's been great"
Oct 1 “Opener” came and didn’t disappoint. When a 10 pounder only received a semi smile/shrug that tells you something. THE BIG BOYS AND GIRLS WERE EATING GOOD !!! This could of been the best opener in some years. We gave most of our guides at Pyramid Fly Co opening day off so they could pre fish for their busy weeks ahead.
we broke first year guide Brock WIlson in with a trip on opening day becasue sherman ChU had one day to fish as he was traveling through Nevada. He had a great time with Brock and got to experience how hard it was to hold these fired up fish. Good Catch with the Net Brock. Great Job Sherman and Brock.
Fish were caught all throughout the water column. Find the Tui Chubs find the fish. The PFC Crew had bait balls on their electronics and put on a clinic. The special custom tied flies matched the bait perfectly.
PFC Guide COle Hildahl enjoying Pre Fishing on opener. Look how short and fat that fish is, Theres some girth there.
PFC Guide Cade Schwender doing what cade does on his day off. Ropin HOgs.
Brock finished up his guide trip for the day swith sherman chu and was able to wet a line and get a piggie with PFC CEO Nico Sunseri.
PFC CEO NICO SUNSERI WIth a nice 23 lber. his day off was well rewarded. But wait, theres a couple more LOL
Lexey Guerrero fishing with her BF PFC GUIDE COLE HILDAHL with another great fish. she even had her nails painted just for opener. Looking good girl.
The PFC Team enjoyed opener exploring, having laughs and headed back to HQ with sore forearms and lot’s of stories and knowledge for their client trips..
Baker from Bozeman MT made it out with PFC GUIDE COle Hildahl and the drive was well worth it and did not disappoint.
Brian Leon From So Cal fishing with PFC Guide Cade Schwender with one of his multiple double digit fish.
Lance from Nebraska with PFC Guide MOrgan kane had a fun day on the water and I have to say, lance was so fun to be with.
Zeb from Davis CA caught a 22 lber fishing with PFC President and Head Guide Morgan Kane. Great JOb boys.
AAAAAANDDDDD, Zebs 2nd 20+ poundaaaaaaaaaaaa making memories with his son Xavier.
But wait, there’s more. I told you it’s been a fun season so far.
No better joy then to release a pig to grow and be caught another day.
PFC GUIDEs COLE HILDAHL and fishing dog RIver, PFC PRESIDENT AND HEAD GUIDE MORGAN KANE AND IN the background for the triple hook up PFC GUIDE Cade schwender. of course they fish after their guide trips.
The Becker Boys ages 7 and 12 having a blast and making memories
Water temps were 65ish and the fish were so fired up. we had a couple of clients almost lose the rods when the fish hit because they weren’t ready for what was about to happen. LOL
The Watermaster flotilla. Randy came from Casper WY to fish with PFC COle Hildahl and theres no comparison to WY fish compared to Pyramid Fish.
Dale Hobbs fishin with PFC President and Head Guide MOrgan Kane always has a blast at Pyramid. NO greater JOy then holding a hog.
Sgt Major Josh Lappin, RET. fishing with PFC Guide Cole Hildahl and Fellow Marine PFC CEO Nico Sunseri. Thank YOu for your service gentlemen
The lake has just turned over and some say it put the fish off the bite, well….. we disagree.
John P fishing with PFC Guide Cade Schwender disagree as well.
And so does Johns 27.9 lb Pilot Peak Cutthroat caught on 10/9/24.
What a beautiful specimen, a fish that dreams and memories are made of.
Looks gross but !!!!
We’ll leave you with a quote that came with this picture. “Morgan” Nasty, Did the bite continue ? “Cole”, Ya. My guy has 16 to the net so far. LOL
Let’s get you on the water !!! give us a call at 1-877-PFC-FLYS 1-877-732-3597. Sign up for our newsletter on our website www.pyramidflyco.com for the latest and greatest fishing, upcoming events and product information. See you soon, Capt.
BUT WAIT.....AFTER THIS REPORT WENT PUBLIC --- PFC CEO Nico sunseri back out checking on operations yesterday 10/11/24 and well...... HIs 3rd 20+ lber since opener.