"Happy New Year" 1/3/2021
/Good Bye 2020 and Good Bye Full Moon
Lauren Cox and her husband had a great trip with PFC Guide Trevor Herring to close out 2020. The smile says it all.
As we slide into a new year the only thing that is on my mind is pre spawn Pilots pushing into the shallows more frequently. Last week we had freezing temperatures and a big moon that made for some semi-inconsistent fishing. The mornings the fish were on the chew a bit heavier than the afternoon with the moon being so bright all night. We were finding some nice fish in the morning hours and then a fish here and there throughout the day. As we slide off the full moon and creep further into January the big Pilots should begin to push in more frequently to feed before they slide into spawn mode. This time of year can be nothing short of phenomenal. And while we wait in anticipation for the schools of Pilots to come in, we are also seeing a nice trickle of summits in the mix.
Thad and Jake Robison back out to the Big Salty once again. They just can’t get enough.
. While the Pilots remain the monsters of the lake, the bright reds and brilliant spotting on the Summits make for some absolutely stunning looking trout. These large carnivorous trout can be found all over the lake! Don't short yourself and feel the need to slide in right next to that big group. Give them some space or go explore! You might surprise yourself and find a new favorite beat. Or better yet, you now have some confidence to fish another area when area #1 might be too busy, too windy or if the fish just aren't in area #1. Confidence is key.
Bella Hoang out with PFC Guide Morgan Kane getting her game on. The smile says it all…
Winter has really settled in out here at the lake. This last week we have had some extremely cold weather. The lakes snowcapped mountains are a sight to see. The lakes vibrant bright blues really pop when the large towering mountains are covered in brilliant bright white snow. Almost like the Matterhorn meets Mars with a huge lake smack dab in the middle. With winter settling in and water temps dropping the fish are going to follow their food source into the shallower water as the temperatures will become more favorable for everything closer to shore. From the bugs to bait fish and then followed in by the large cutthroat. As the bait fish start to spread more and more the trout will begin to feed heavily on midges. Just like a whale eating plankton, these large trout will cruise through the water column inhaling these plentiful bugs. Yes, these trout are opportunistic. Of course, they will still eat a minnow if it's up in their wheelhouse. But midges will start to become a more viable food source for the trout as the baitfish spread out more and more. With the cold-water temps chasing bait isn't as favorable as cruising and inhaling midges. Less energy is spent cruising inhaling midges so the large trout are able to keep and pack on weight as they get ready for spawn.
John Miller with a rosy one, cheek colors are gorgeous, Morgans smile says it all too
We are favoring the bobber more and more as winter settles in this month. This allows for your flies to hang in the strike zone for a much longer period of time. Balanced leeches in all the natural browns, greens and golds. If stripping is your fancy wooly buggers in all the same naturals will entice these large predators. And the famous Doug O popcorn beetle is still a fly that is extremely hard to beat. Something about the foam that makes these flies rise in between strips that really drives fish crazy. As the bait fish have been spreading out midges have been getting bit a little more than previously. Hanging chironamids under the bobber is another really effective way to catch these large trout. Think large zebra midges. But don't get those weak flimsy hooks if you wanna catch these large fish we are all after.
LIGHT EM UP !!! Trevor Wong with PFC Guide Morgan Kane getting it done in a ray of sunshine.
More important than anything is the obvious. You can't catch fish wondering if the bite is hot. You definitely can't catch them sitting in your home office or couch. And we love nothing more than helping a fellow fisherman or woman catch fish. We eat, sleep and breath this large inland sea. We are here to help you dial in this large lake while having fun doing so. And while we are approaching our favorite time of year it's coming up real quick! Grab a few friends and let us show you why Pyramid lake has become our favorite fishery. Happy New Years !